Silver & Pixel started in 2009 as an idea of combining two of my greatest passions, photography and animals.  I have been in awe of photography ever since I was five.  I started with instamatic cameras, with the little flash cubes on top, and then I was in awe again as a child when I saw the first polaroid picture appear in front of my eyes.  I have always considered myself a self-taught photographer.  Took photography and darkroom courses back in college, but nothing formal.  I learned watching great images in books and great magazines like Life, Times, National Geographic. And of course, admiring the great masters.   My father gave me a medium format Yashica with twin lenses when I was like twelve or thirteen.  I had to learn about exposures, shutter speed, apertures and composition on the dot because this camera was all manual.  I then got my hands on my first35 mm SLR, and then when I became a mom, I was always checking out the latest 35mm point and shoots.   And then the digital tsunami arrived.  I stubbornly resisted the digital camera for a few years, until I realized there was no turning back.  I had to accept that the digital era had arrived.  I transitioned, no question about it, but even though I don't pick up my leica m4 as much as I would like, analog will always be part of who I am as a photographer.  Silver & Pixel is the harmony between these two photography eras, silver halide lives on woven in every pixel.  It's a whole new world to see.